Dr Sian’s Zenith Method

ze·​nith |  \ ˈzē-nəth, Canadian and British usually ˈze-nəth, -nith \ When you reach your Zenith, you’re at the top, the pinnacle, the summit, the peak.

He’s reached his!

The Zenith Method is an structured approach to improving digestive health and wellbeing, based on the latest science and tackling diet, stress, activity, habits and gut microbe balance.

All of the blog posts and recipes on the Live.Love.Well site follow the principles of the Zenith Method – so feel free to look around, learn and try a gut-friendly recipe or two.

Improving our digestion really can be transformative for personal health!

The word ‘transformation’ might sound like hyperbole, but when your diet and lifestyle are more in harmony with your physiology, you start to feel more energetic, more well – it really can be transformational!

A deeper dive: The Zenith Method Personal Transformation Programme

The Zenith Method Personal Transformation Programme is a process for improving your digestive health and general wellness.

I suggest that you try this the Zenith Method for 12 weeks and see how you feel.

The process…

The ZM Personal Transformation Programme is based on 5 principles, each of which play a crucial role in supporting digestive health and wellness.

When we have digestive issues or we feel tired, if we aren’t sleeping well, or are chronically stressed or anxious, it can hold us back. It can also make it more difficult to find the energy and inclination to do the things we want to do in our lives.

When we’re feeling great and our health is at it’s optimum (as individuals) we are in our best position to fulfil our highest potential!

This is what the ZM Personal Transformation Programme is all about.

Now that’s what I call wellness! Photo by Peter Conlan

Guiding you step-by-step towards digestive health and optimum wellness…

I believe that genuinely great health happens when our digestion is functioning well. We also need our nutrition and lifestyle to be optimized for us as individuals, taking into account not just our diet but also our sleep, stress, activity levels and our support network.

When our diet and lifestyle is optimized for us as individuals, we can reach the peak of what we are capable of – our ‘Zenith’.

Dr Sian

The Zenith approach is based on the latest scientific research on nutrition, digestive health, stress management and activity levels – and how they can be harnessed to support your digestion, immune system and general wellbeing.

The first step…

Every journey begins with a single step. Photo by Peter Wimberg @pwimberg

So, how do we go about optimizing your digestive health and wellbeing?

We are each individuals – with our own personal health journey, circumstances, likes and dislikes and individuality in all areas of our lives, including diet, sleep, exercise, stress and social connections.

Why is knowing vitamin and mineral levels so important?

Because all systems in our body need a variety of vitamins and minerals to work properly, and if we want to feel at our best, we need to be giving our body all the nutrients it needs

Once we know which nutrients are on the low side, we can correct these by tweaking your diet. If needed and appropriate, I might also recommend supplements.

This can have a profound effect on feelings of wellbeing!

“I have been absolutely amazed by how the supplements and dietary changes recommended by Dr Sian have improved my energy and how well I feel – I feel better than I have for years!”

Pierre Louis, 78.

Magnificent micronutrients

Providing your body with the levels of vitamins and minerals it needs to perform at its best is a crucial step on the path to optimal wellness!

Insufficient levels of micronutrients [which is extremely common, by the way!] can lead to greater susceptibility to disease as well as low energy levels and fatigue.

The importance of lifestyle factors

It’s not just vitamins and minerals in your diet that affect wellbeing. It is also your stress levels, sleep, activity levels and support network.

Why the focus on digestive health and wellbeing?

Over the past few years, I’ve turned my own digestive health around from severe IBS (‘irritable bowel syndrome’) and what I can only describe as deep, crushing fatigue to strong digestion and vitality. Read more here.

What made the difference was first having a basic understanding of what was going on. Second, I needed a system – an organized, structured process with one-to-one support – that took me step-by-step through the healing process.

Having restored my health by using my scientific background to ‘biohack’ my own health issues and working with fantastic alternative therapists, I now want to use my knowledge and insight help others – you – to reach optimal gut health. In this way, I hope that I can help you to reach your own personal Zenith, whatever that looks like for you.

Your journey to digestive health starts here.

In the meantime – enjoy my free-to-read ZM blog posts!